
Hi people. I would like to share a little about myself so you can know something about me. I was born in 1997 in Santiago and the age of 5 I went to live in La Serena. Mom and I always miss to live in Santiago. I think I miss the life we have here. But you finally adapted to new life and new city.
So one year ago, I went to study architecture in Santiago (yes finally I coming to live here!!), the last years was a difficult year, changes in many areas. But I like my life. I made good friends and I believe that and learned so much about to my career and to the life. 
And about my experience in the school, the only thing I have to say is I was make my best friend the life forever and teachers that learn me so much about the life.
About my family I love my mom and my little brother so much, they are my life. We are very close, and happy. And I miss their everyday: c I wish to have them here.In general I really love to read novels, specially about romance. The books clear my mind and transport to a new world. 
And i love cats, i wish to have one :c 


  1. I like reading too, you can will recommend a book to me some day.

  2. Your family is so lucky that you love them so much, it's alway hard to live far from the people yo love. And I have to say that you are right about the books, they really take you to other worlds.

  3. the books are wonderful, I'm not to read romance but you have to recommend me!


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